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323 De La Mare Ave Suite 3, Fairhope, USA, 36532
Über Bryant MacKellar Local Property, Inc
Local Property is Fairhope and Coastal Alabama's premier independent real estate firm. Hollie MacKellar is proud to be the Qualifying Broker/Owner of Local Property, Inc. As a native of Fairhope, she is a specialist in the Eastern Shore market. Her vast knowledge of Fairhope, Daphne, Spanish Fort and other surrounding communities is unparalleled. Whether dealing with a first-time home buyer, real estate investor, or seasoned homeowner, Hollie prides herself with being active within her community

Dienstleistungen in Fairhope, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Immobilienmakler 3 Heimwerkerdienste 3 Dachdecker 2 Steuerberater 1 Heizung, Ventilation & Klimaanlagen 1

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