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28661 Ranch Avenue Abbotsford, BC V4X 1C8 Canada
Über CareyTrainsMe
Specializing in Board and Train for puppies and adolescent dogs. What is a confident city dog? Living with a dog in a city can be challenging but it is possible to have a calm and well-adjusted dog even in the bustling city. Whether you rescued your dog from a local shelter, moved with your dog from the country to the city I am here to help you and your dog to integrate into the city with confidence. If you have a new puppy I am here to help with socialization, habituation and to guide your dog through problem solving and adventures in the city.
Pet Training

Dienstleistungen in Abbotsford, Kanada

Unternehmensdienste 7 Umzugs- und Lagerdienste 6 Reinigungsdienst 4 Heimwerkerdienste 4 Hypothekenmakler 3

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