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14 Cooyong St, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
MO 06:00 – 21:00 SA 06:00 – 21:00
DI 06:00 – 21:00 SO 06:00 – 21:00
MI 06:00 – 21:00
DO 06:00 – 21:00
FR 06:00 – 21:00
Über Clean Sleep Tile and Grout Cleaning Canberra
Clean Sleep can help you without expensive refinishing of tiles. We offer an alternative cost-effective method that delivers excellent results. Clean Sleep Tile and Grout Cleaning Canberra's procedure of tile floor cleaning and restoration begins with the pre-inspection of the flooring to determine the damage. Once done, we receive the most useful resolution to stop impurities as well as elongate its lifespan.

Dienstleistungen in Canberra, Australien

Reinigungsdienst 29 Teppichreiniger 14 Schädlingsbekämpfung 12 Unternehmensdienste 9 Umzugs- und Lagerdienste 7

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