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10a Branch Place,Greater London, London, N1 5PH, United Kingdom
DOMY is a Property Finder service based in East London. Created by Maya Carni, co-founder of Scenario Architecture, she is an architect, property developer and advisor with a passion for helping people navigate the complicated process of purchasing property in London. DOMY is your one-stop-shop for finding, purchasing, renovating, redecorating and moving into the right home for you. Maya graduated from the Architectural Association in 2007 and maintain memberships in the ARB and RIBA. Her background creating contemporary, high-functioning spaces makes DOMY uniquely qualified to identify the potential of a property.
property finder london, property finder, find a property, house finder, buyers agent

Dienstleistungen in London, Vereinigtes Königreich

Unternehmensdienste 481 Klempner 260 Schönheitssalon 185 Reinigungsdienst 151 Elektriker 141

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