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75 14th St NE Suite 2130, Atlanta, GA 30309
Über Griffin Durham Tanner & Clarkson
White-collar crime covers a broad variety of nonviolent crimes for personal gain that are generally committed in a commercial environment.
atlanta white collar criminal lawyer
The Sherman Act supports freedom of competition in our markets and was first created to oppose monopoly. A monopoly is when one company owns an entire market and can charge whatever it prefers.

When a party is charged with antitrust crimes, they have generally engaged in price fixing, bid rigging, and other illicit activities that inhibit competition.
Bank Fraud

Bank fraud encompasses a wide variety of white-collar crimes. It begins with the passing of fake checks and extends further into wire fraud and other means of electronic theft with banks involved.
Bankruptcy Fraud

Bankruptcy fraud occurs when a party takes advantage of the bankruptcy process for illicit means. Bankruptcy is generally filed to assist a company in reorganizing so it may continue operating or to help a company to close down.

In either situation, debts are often forgiven or renegotiated, and if bankruptcy is filed in bad faith, it can lead to criminal charges.
atlanta white collar criminal lawyer

Dienstleistungen in Atlanta, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Anwalt für Personenschäden 83 Unternehmensdienste 74 Schlosser 52 Rechtsberatung 43 Immobilienmakler 42

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