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12100 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90025
Über InteLegion: Performance- Based Marketing Agency
As a team of creative marketers, our heads hurt for businesses that are not living up to their full potential and need a part-time director to upgrade or overhaul their branding strategy. With inexpensive management pricing and performance fees, we lower risks to maximize revenue by enabling businesses to pay only for customers/clients who sign up or make a purchase.
We find joy in the work we do and go above and beyond to deliver on our promises. You can contact us for an evaluation of your business and find out how a partnership with us can help your business. With management pricing as low as $2,500/month and a performance fee of $5/customer/client sign up you can take advantage of the expertise, experience, and tools that your business needs.
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Dienstleistungen in Los Angeles, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Unternehmensdienste 136 Rechtsberatung 105 Gerätereparaturservice 90 Anwalt für Personenschäden 89 Marketingagentur 86

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