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Linda Semilla, Calle Peris Brell 7d Valencia Valencia 46022 Spain
Über Linda Seeds
Linda Seeds has been distributing cannabis seeds since 2011. With our own brand Linda Seeds | Linda Semilla we offer a wide range of classic strains, as well as the latest trendy strains from the worldwide cannabis scene.

In addition, we have seeds from more than 100 different seed banks in our range. From the big and well-known seed banks like Sensi Seeds or Barneys Farm to small breeders like ACE Seeds, Cannabiogen or The Bulldog.

Our mission is to deliver great seeds to great people. True to our motto "TRUST YOUR OWN" and grow at home!

Soziale in Valencia, Spanien

Wohnsitz 2 Gartencenter 1 Abgasuntersuchung 1 Social Media-Unternehmen 1

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