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10340 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, California, 90024
MO 00:00 – 24:00 SA 00:00 – 24:00
DI 00:00 – 24:00 SO 00:00 – 24:00
MI 00:00 – 24:00
DO 00:00 – 24:00
FR 00:00 – 24:00
Über Outpatient Los Angeles - PHP, IOP, & OP Program
At Outpatient Los Angeles, we employ an evidence-based treatment philosophy that uncovers the root causes of addiction and helps bring about positive lifestyle changes necessary for lasting sobriety. We focus on an upscale experience that includes luxurious accommodations, healthy meal preparation, luxury transportation, and more. For many of our clients, this experience is transformative and leads them to live a life they never believed was possible during their time in active addiction.

Gesundheit & Medizin in Los Angeles, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Medizin und Gesundheit 76 Zahnarzt 36 Gesundheit/Schönheit 32 Psychologische Einrichtung 31 Suchtbehandlungszentrum 23

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