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Savane Beach, Anjarle Dapoli-, 415714
Über whistlingwaves
Whistling Waves Beach Resort is a peaceful resort located at Savane Beach which is just two km away from anjarle beach resort Dapoli. The dapoli beach resort offers best services to stay and feel relaxed . The fares of the resort are reasonable and affordable too. Whistling Waves dapoli resorts on beach offers the delicious Konkani Thali to the guest and also has variants in veg also.
Whistling Waves Beach Resort is a peaceful resort located at Savane Beach which is just two km away from anjarle beach resort Dapoli. The dapoli beach resort offers best services to stay and feel relaxed . The fares of the resort are reasonable and affordable too. Whistling Waves dapoli resorts on beach offers the delicious Konkani Thali to the guest and also has variants in veg also.

Travel in Dapoli, Indien

Hotel 1 Hotelresort 1

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