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13 East Beach, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire FY8 5EU
Quienes Backprakt
Backprakt is a clinic in Lancashire offering Musculoskeletal Treatments in Blackpool. Dr Logan is a proficient and experienced neurophysiologist specialising in neuromuscular conditions, human movement, flexibility and pain relief. Through using a range of scientifically-proven therapeutic services, Dr Logan aims to improve your flexibility and muscle control whilst also alleviating back pain, sports injuries and sciatica. The Backprakt approach is holistic and uses biomechanical, neurophysiological and electrophysiological modalities to help relieve your back pain, nerve pain, muscle spasm or whatever it is that is causing you discomfort.

Salud y medicina en Lytham St Annes, Reino Unido

Terapeuta físico 1 Belleza, cosmética y cuidado personal 1

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