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175 Dorset St W, Port Hope ON L1A 1G4 Canada, Toronto, L1A 1G4, Canada
Quienes Canadian Centre for Addictions
The Canadian Center for Addictions also offers psycho-educational groups as part of group therapy. In these sessions, patients will learn how to be assertive when expressing their needs and get necessary tips for managing stress. The group sessions also give addicts insight into how to overcome several addictions, since some addicts are also struggling with issues such as gambling or overeating.
Additional services offered by the Canadian Center for Addiction in group settings include dealing with alcoholic parents, since this can interrupt a person’s healing process. The addicts will also learn healthy anger management skills so that abusing substances won’t be the go-to for handling negative situations. Some addicts also need to know how to manage or even end certain relationships as part of recovery.

Salud y medicina en Toronto, Canadá

Dentista 36 Medicina y salud 32 Salud/belleza 25 Spa 14 Terapeuta físico 11

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