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6735 Conroy Road, St 321, 32835
Quienes Celebration Language Institute
A missão do Celebration Language Institute é fornecer programas e serviços de inglês, espanhol, português e reforço escolar para estudantes locais e internacionais.
Celebration Language Institute’s mission is to provide English language programs and services to international and local students.

Our staff of professionally trained instructors seek to assist students in achieving their goals, be it for academics, business, or leisure.

Celebration Language Institute strives to improve the proficiency of the English language communication skills of our students; thereby strengthening their intercultural relationships within society. We provide high quality classes which incorporate not only grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing, but also the cultural awareness necessary to live, work, and pursue higher education within the United States.
Lanuage Programs, Preparatory Classes, Tutoring Programs, Conversation Club

Educación en Orlando, Estados Unidos

Organización educativa 5 Entrenador personal 4 Psíquico 4 Educación física 2 Escuela de idiomas 2

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