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2569 Shell Rd #582, Brooklyn, NY 11223
Horarios de atencion
LU 12:00 – 24:00 SA 12:00 – 24:00
MA 12:00 – 24:00 DO 12:00 – 24:00
MI 12:00 – 24:00
JU 12:00 – 24:00
VI 12:00 – 24:00
Quienes Ceremony Funeral
Welcome to Ceremony Funeral!
Having a funeral is difficult both emotionally and financially, and for many people finding a helpful, supportive and affordable funeral home is the solution to many problems and here comes Ceremony Funeral.
A funeral director of Ceremony Funeral can guide you through all the decisions you have to make, and give advice on planning a memorable funeral that is tailor-made to meet your specific needs.
A funeral is intended to celebrate a person’s life. Planning the right type of funeral, one that can give comfort to friends and family while remembering the deceased, is a feat in itself.
A Ceremony Funeral can provide all the help you need to make this a day to remember – and one that hopefully will not break the bank.
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Servicios en Brooklyn, Estados Unidos

Servicio funerario y de cementerios 3 Cerrajero 2 Electricista 2 Contratista de albañilería 2 Servicio profesional 1

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