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Chennai, India, 600003
Quienes chennai
It’s evident how plastics are seriously damaging our environment. The disposable plastic items are becoming a major Concern for environmentalists and governments all over the world. And already
many cities have banned the usage of plastic bags and plastic cups.

This has led to a substantial demand for environmental friendly paper based products like paper
plates, cups and bags. Many young entrepreneurs have sensed this demand and are getting into the
manufacturing of paper cups. Paper cup machines are in demand and this demand is only set to grow
more. Many small scale industries are coming up to manufacture paper cups.
Paper cup Machine
Paper Bag Machine

Servicios en Chennai, India

Servicio comercial 76 Diseñador de interiores 24 Asesor educativo 18 Agencia de marketing 14 Agencia de publicidad 13

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