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260 Hume Hwy, Lansvale NSW 2166 Australia
Eco Tiny Homes Aus is the exclusive national retailer of Designer Eco Homes, a brand that brings with it over a decade’s worth of tiny house experience - and specialises in design and construction, environmental sustainability and affordability.
"Tiny houses are making a big noise, as they continue to grow in popularity around the world. Particularly against the backdrop of the global pandemic of Covid 19.
It is a trend confirmed by studies, with one report revealing that 86% of participants surveyed who were not yet homeowners, “would contemplate purchasing a tiny home as their first home” while 84% of those surveyed said they would consider a tiny home as a retirement living option.

Driving the movement Down Under is Eco Tiny Homes Aus, who offer a range of abodes that showcase the movement’s versatility, environmental credentials and value."

Sociedad en Lansvale, Australia

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