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2943 66 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6K 4C1
Horarios de atencion
LU 07:00 – 14:30 SA 09:00 – 16:00
MA 07:00 – 14:30 DO Cerrado
MI 07:00 – 14:30
JU 07:00 – 20:00
VI 07:00 – 16:00
Quienes Edmonton Smiles
When you come into our dental clinic near you in Edmonton, you’ll be greeted with friendly staff and a welcoming atmosphere. We have been serving dental patients since 1988. If you’re looking to speak with a general dentist or emergency dentist, we’ve got you covered. Our dentist in Edmonton will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your teeth so they can identify the best course of action moving forward. Subsequent treatments we perform are teeth whitening, root canal therapy, and dental bridges. We also follow ADA Fee Guide to keep our fees fair and affordable. We are open every Saturday and accept walk-in emergency patients.

Business mail :

Salud y medicina en Edmonton, Canadá

Dentista 46 Terapeuta físico 13 Psicólogo 11 Medicina y salud 10 Servicio de masajes 8

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