Dent Benefits has office in Brooklyn and allows patients to establish a direct relationship with their doctor, without a third party standing between you and your dentist. A lot of our patients say ‘if I knew this option was available, I would have come sooner.’” Want to lower your out-of-pocket dental expenses? Consider joining Dent Benefits.
For more than one million New Yorkers with limited or no dental insurance, going to the dentist is far from routine or affordable. Dent benefits Membership Club makes dental care attainable.
One root canal with a porcelain crown could cost you more than $2,000 without insurance and even with insurance you’ll likely pay copay, which could be as high as 50 percent. With Dent benefits, you pay $125/month and you’re eligible for the equivalent of approximately $10,000 in dental services, said Dr. Michael Entin, who founded the membership club.
Set up like a gym membership, Dent benefits offers a 12-month individual contract that gives members access to a whole spectrum of different dental procedures. And there’s no waiting period — from the moment you sign up the plan is effective.
For more than one million New Yorkers with limited or no dental insurance, going to the dentist is far from routine or affordable. Dent benefits Membership Club makes dental care attainable.
One root canal with a porcelain crown could cost you more than $2,000 without insurance and even with insurance you’ll likely pay copay, which could be as high as 50 percent. With Dent benefits, you pay $125/month and you’re eligible for the equivalent of approximately $10,000 in dental services, said Dr. Michael Entin, who founded the membership club.
Set up like a gym membership, Dent benefits offers a 12-month individual contract that gives members access to a whole spectrum of different dental procedures. And there’s no waiting period — from the moment you sign up the plan is effective.