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40 Speedy Cheval St, East Fremantle WA 6158
Quienes Jayde Healing
I am deeply empathetic and intuitive, with a natural ability to tap into what you are feeling physically and energetically. I have been practicing intuitive massage for a couple of years, and believe that trauma, emotion and tension are stored in the body. I work intuitively with your body to identify what needs to release. I am a great believer that somatic healing modalities that incorporate touch, massage, breath and movement can release this tension, and allow you to become a happier, healthier, calmer and freer version of yourself.

Salud y medicina en East Fremantle, Australia

Quiropráctico 1 Centro médico 1 Servicio de masajes 1 Terapeuta físico 1 Cardiólogos 1

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