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33-34 Chiswell Street Islington, EC1Y 4SF
Quienes Julian Ormerod
Julian Ormerod has 25 years of experience as a London chiropractor. His clinic is in Moorgate and his classes to help alleviate tension and pain in the body through movement are online through zoom.
Julian has been successfully treating people with aches, pains, stresses and strains for over 30 years. A key proponent to the success of his practice is his use of a combination of many different treatments that he has learned and developed over these years.
Chiropractic in combination with clinical sports massage is often used to encourage better function movement patterns. There are many good reasons why one should receive treatment and to look after one’s own bodies. Being treated should be inspirational, relaxing, de-stressing, strengthening, and educational. Invest in your body and feel the difference.

Salud y medicina en London, Reino Unido

Servicio de masajes 122 Medicina y salud 117 Salud/belleza 109 Dentista 60 Cuidado de la piel 39

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