Suppartz and or Synvisc Injections. These two products are injections used to increase the amount of hyaluronic acid in the knee joint. This substance is also called sodium hyaluronate. They are often referred to as viscosupplementation treatments and they are used to provide relief from osteoarthritis pain.
Suppartz FX – This form of hyaluronic acid is injected directly into the knee. Fluid that has accumulated in the knee is drained off prior to the injection, and then the Supartz FX is injected directly into your knee joint. Up to five injections may be needed for best relief, and these will likely be provided once a week.
Synvisc – This product for knee pain relief comes in two forms – Synvisc and Synvisc-One. The first version will require three injections administered one week apart. Synvisc-One combines all three injections into one, cutting down on the number of office visits that need to be made.
After a careful diagnosis of the causes of your knee pain, Lower Back Pain NY can provide you with various solutions to your knee pain. We help you get back on your feet and start enjoying life again. We have multiple offices in New York City and we invite you to contact us today.