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210 Cochrane dr , Unit 10, Ontario, L3R 8E6
Horarios de atencion
LU 09:00 – 06:00 SA 09:00 – 03:00
MA 09:00 – 06:00 DO Cerrado
MI 09:00 – 06:00
JU 09:00 – 06:00
VI 09:00 – 06:00
Quienes Konntek Inc
Konntek specializes in developing powerful, yet highly intuitive, cost-effective video surveillance products with Artificial Intelligence capability.
Konntek specializes in developing powerful, yet highly intuitive, cost-effective video surveillance products with Artificial Intelligence capability. From small, single-camera systems to large, scalable deployments with hundreds of cameras, Konntek has the ideal solution for all applications from big commercial projects to small retail solutions. Our product line is popular for its simplicity and flexibility. We improve surveillance by allowing end-users to increase the protection of both people and property.

The Konntek software gives end users an easy-to-use, yet a feature-rich system to manage live and recorded video for a variety of needs. The best part is that the software is highly customizable as per the need of the client. This is a USP that we bring to the table, unlike other popular brands. The intuitive software line includes software designed for stand-alone systems all the way to complete enterprise systems. This Unique system installs directly on a compatible system to provide a complete solution. This could include Cameras, Sensors, GPS modules, RFID tags, and also POS integration.
Network Cameras And Packages
Network Devices
AI Hardware
Starlight Pro

Servicios en Markham, Canadá

Servicio de reformas domésticas 7 Servicio comercial 6 Servicio profesional 3 Agentes hipotecarios 3 Agencia de marketing 3

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