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Level 6, Darling Park 3, 201 Sussex Street, 1230
Quienes meXus
meXus is a product of Avant, Australia’s leading medical defence organisation with a proud heritage of protecting the Australian medical profession that spans over 125 years.

Now representing over 78,000 health practitioners and medical students across every state and territory, we understand better than anyone the complexities and risks associated with credentialing, as we have seen first-hand how gaps or failures in systems and processes can contribute to poor patient outcomes, complaints or legal actions against providers.
Today’s healthcare environment is increasingly complex, with frequent regulatory changes and greater medico-legal risks. Relying on manual processes for your organisation’s credentialing and compliance increases that risk further.

Automating your credentialing and compliance tasks not only helps reduce your risk, but it also frees up valuable staff time spent following up to ensure insurances and registrations are current.

Negocio en Sydney, Australia

Empresa de software 20 Servicios y suministros para construcción 19 Desarrollo web 13 Diseñador web 11 Fabricación 10

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