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Brooklyn, NY 11235
Quienes Mirvis Law Defense Attorney
Tony Mirvis personally manages every single case and client that walks through our doors. There is not a single angle that is not analyzed and not a single approach that is not taken into serious consideration in order to ensure that we are capable of aggressively fighting in and out of the courtroom in order to get our clients the justice that they deserve. We do not believe that "trivial" cases even exist and are well aware that even misdemeanor cases will have an everlasting impact on the lives of our clients. Once you have become a client of our firm, however, you have officially become part of our family. Therefore, as in the case with most families, we are always going to be easily accessible to you to answer your questions and address your concerns.

With his extensive experience in the world of litigation within federal as well as state courts and high success rate in and outside of the courtroom, Mr. Mirvis has made frequent appearances through a wide variety of media outlets throughout the country.

Any time that a person is caught in possession of illegal weapons (including guns and knives), these incidents may lead to severe criminal accusations that exist within the federal and local courts. There are many different technicalities that an attorney can find that may be able to help you to win your case. For example, if the weapons were found illegally (such as without probable cause or a search warrant), our client will have the right to request an official hearing that is focused specifically on the legality (or lack thereof) of that search.
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Servicios en Brooklyn, Estados Unidos

Cerrajero 55 Servicio comercial 50 Abogado especialista en lesiones 32 Servicio funerario y de cementerios 29 Servicio de reformas domésticas 28

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