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41-43 Standard Road, NW10 6HF
Quienes Muslim Rose Welfare
Muslim Rose Welfare is a charitable organisation that works closely with the people of Thakarpur, one of the most deprived areas of Sindh. The goal is to provide all the basic necessities to the otherwise beautiful lives of these desert people. From food to water to education to spiritual knowledge – complete welfare has been planned for the people. Working with the people for quite a few years, six key areas of work are focused upon. The organization runs on charity and donates every bit of contribution to the betterment of the people and their lifestyle. As a women welfare association in Manchester, the aim is to give a nice and comfortable life to those who do not have the access to it.

Sociedad en London, Reino Unido

Hogar 115 Agencia de empleos 53 Centro de jardinería 10 Empresa de medios sociales 9 Organización benéfica 7

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