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Yonkers (NY), United States, 10701
Quienes Office Phone Systems Provider
The variety of needed services and high-quality of our communication are the main reasons why dozens of companies choose 1Voice, over the years. Join us, and check out how can make your business much easier and stress free.

The Auto Attendant will manage up every call you get by answering and routing it, automatically. As follows, this brain center of your virtual phone system will help you to get rid of extra work as well as controlling any additional extension or number. That’s how your customer gets the real voice of support.

Internal Chat. Let’s get the best of your customer service by keeping up the group or private chat with your clients. Likewise, you’ll able to make a business inquiries to companies or organizations via sending a messages.

Enhanced Voicemail. This one will allow you to read any of your voicemails via phone number or email account, as it transcribes the received messages in to reading form, instantly. Surely, Enhanced Voicemail is a good option to keep all of the important matter close to you, all the time.
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Negocio en Yonkers, Estados Unidos

Empresa de telecomunicaciones 3 Contratista de cemento 3 Inmobiliaria 3 Empresa de tratamiento de residuos 2 Centro de negocios 1

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