The key to getting a low price car insurance quote is comparison shopping. You need to get a few different quotes from different companies. You may choose to do this by going online and filling out one quote form with several companies, or you may choose to ask friends and family members about their current insurance company. Either way, you need to compare them all. Remember that your credit score is taken into account, so it's very important that you don't let anyone lie to you. If you do happen to feel that they're trying to charge you more because of your credit score, then don't hesitate to call them up and ask them why. There's nothing wrong with asking them if they can give you any suggestions on which car insurance company is the best for you!
When you have all your quotes, you need to read over each one thoroughly. If you find a policy that's more affordable than the rest, then take it. However, if you find that a policy is not right for you, then you should move on to the next one. There are so many companies out there, and each has so many different policies that it can be hard to figure out which one is the best for you.