Our families have travelled to Spain most of our lives staying in Villas and hotels, and we have always loved that clean Spanish scent that its synonymous with our favourite Spanish holidays.
We decided to enter the world of Spanish cleaning products as around our home city of Liverpool there were many people who loved these products as much as we did, so much so that they would bring a few bottles of their favourite Spanish cleaning products home from holiday with them. We found that there were a few people across the city who sold the products and it was only known from word of mouth and very hard to find and we wanted to make these products more accessible to everyone!
We carefully chose what brands to sell by sampling many different brands and doing research, searching for those authentic Spanish scents. We started off with Asevi, Brumol and Las 3 Brujas/the 3 witches, whose products have the most distinctive and long lasting fragrances, people go mad for them.
We started off with one pallet of mixed products and approached local shops market traders and people who we knew already loved the products and like us they loved the products as did their customers our business grew from there.