Removal of tartar (calculus): Tooth tartar is hardened plaque that has been left on the tooth for an extended time and is now attached to the tooth surface. Tartar forms above and below the gum line and can only be removed with special dental instruments.
Removal of plaque: Plaque is a sticky, almost invisible film that forms on your teeth. It is a growing colony of living bacteria, food debris, and saliva. The bacteria produces toxins that inflame the gums. This inflammation is the start of periodontal disease.
Teeth polishing: Remove stain and plaque that is not otherwise removed during brushing and scaling.
During your preventative dentistry consultation, Dr. Milito and her assistant will carefully examine the tooth or teeth to be treated and may order x-rays or other scans if a deeper look is necessary. Throughout this time, we’ll will explain their findings as well as help to formulate a treatment plan so that you can have the smile you’ve always wanted.