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40/12 Lake Gardens, off Lake Drive, Rajagiriya, 01010
O Spectrum. Vacations
Spectrum. Vacations (formerly Foozoo Travel) is an LGBT owned brand and has been serving the global LGBTIQ community since 2016.
To offer authentic and immersive travel experiences to Sri Lanka in a way that connects with the local LGBTIQ community and in a way that adds value to the local scene whilst addressing all the requirements of our travel. We specialise in bespoke tours that are built in consultation with the traveller.
7 nights 8 days gay tour of Sri Lanka
14 nights 15 days gay tour of Sri Lanka
21 nights and 22 day gay tour of sri lanka
Bespoke Gay tours to Sri Lanka
Bespoke Lesbian tours to Sri Lanka

Turystyka w Colombo, Sri Lanka

Biuro podróży 7 Hotel 3 Przewodnik turystyczny 1

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