Therapie Amsterdam Noord: praktijk voor psychosociale therapie & hypnotherapie.
A reason to make an appointment is for instance trauma treatment * suffering from fear * phobias * panic attacks * panic disorders * depressed feelings * burn out * nervousness and tension * stress * irritability * nightmares * not functioning well in work situations * questions about your family situation, family constellation, work, career * gaining insights into (im)possibilities * inner conflicts * doubts * or just ‘not feeling well’.
A reason to make an appointment is for instance trauma treatment * suffering from fear * phobias * panic attacks * panic disorders * depressed feelings * burn out * nervousness and tension * stress * irritability * nightmares * not functioning well in work situations * questions about your family situation, family constellation, work, career * gaining insights into (im)possibilities * inner conflicts * doubts * or just ‘not feeling well’.