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3675 Crestwood Parkway, Suite 400, 30096
有关我们 Duluth Personal Injury Lawyer
If your injuries are the result of someone else’s reckless actions, you deserve justice. You should not be responsible for costly hospital bills and rehabilitation expenses. Bridges-Farmer will ensure that your personal injury lawyer gets you the maximum compensation so you can start anew, without medical debt that someone else caused. At Bridges-Farmer, we believe that everyone has the right to robust legal counsel. That’s why we work on contingency; our attorneys do not accept any payment until we have won your case. We handle the following types of personal injury cases but are not limited to: slip and falls, dog bites, construction accidents, pedestrian accidents, and car accidents. If you have been hurt in any of the above accidents, we strongly advise that you contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Working with an experienced personal injury lawyer will save you time and money by simplifying the process and getting you a higher compensation. To make your personal injury claim easier, call Bridges-Farmer today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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