At Emmanuelle Blanche we believe that a great silhouette is for everybody and every body.
The first of its kind in the US, Emmanuelle Blanche is dedicated solely to eliminating cellulite using the French manual technique Palper Rouler. In a relaxing and welcoming environment our experts in Palper Rouler massage tailor the treatment to your particular needs and wishes, your body type and the areas you choose to target, helping you to harmonize your silhouette.
Reduce your cellulite rapidly with the most effective French method, developed by physiotherapists. Despite many machines and accessories having tried to reproduce its effects, the manual Palper Rouler remains the anti-cellulite treatment unanimously recognized by the medical world and beauty specialists.
This treatment is a true wellness massage. After just a few sessions the results are not only motivating, but you will have more energy, and feel better in your body!"