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via Fuorimura 35, 80067
有关我们 Sorrento Parking
Sorrento Parking, the best parking for car and scooter rental in the center of the Sorrento Peninsula.
The structure is managed and supervised 24 hours a day by our staff, which is composed of qualified personnel who will support you with some exclusive services. In addition to the wardrobe, the luggage room and the toilets, in fact, Sorrento Parking guarantees also a useful car valet service, an option that consists in the possibility of picking up your vehicle at an agreed point (such as the station, the port, the main squares of Sorrento or your own accommodation) and redelivery in agreed times thanks to our valid team. Because at Sorrento Parking everyone finds his place.

服务 Sorrento, 意大利

车库/停车场 1 小型摩托车出租 1