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Surat, India, 395009
有关我们 The Proxperts
We are a team of passionate learning facilitators in the field of individual and organizational transformation. Individuals rely on us to unleash the hidden power within themselves and ascertain the real ‘KICK’ which gives a boost to their life. Clients call upon us to achieve better and sustainable results. We work together with companies as a smart partnership in providing hands-on solutions to help solve day to day business challenges by developing the 3 important assets of the organization – MAN, MONEY & MIND.
Core Purpose

“To add value in people’s life”

Core Values

Integrity in what we say
Dedication in what we do
Respect for all
Quest for Excellence
Brand Promise

Transformation through Execution
Challenge based solutions – Be it training solutions or consulting solutions, we do 360 degree study and in depth analysis of the challenges before providing solutions.
We give our customers what they need instead of what they want.
Vision without execution is just Hallucination. We provide all over solutions focus on implementation rather than just motivation.
Personality Development
Public Speaking
Employee Development Training
Leadership Training

教育 Surat, 印度

教育机构 9 电脑培训学校 4 教育/就业情况 4 地方教育 3 高中 2

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